Ireland's Climate Crisis: What does it mean for Wexford and What can We Do? A Science Week Talk with Maynooth University Professor Conor Murphy
Join Professor Conor Murphy as he provides information on how climate is changing locally and nationally, how we can already see the impacts of climate change, how we can achieve a more climate resilient future, and what the future may have in store, depending on our actions in the present.
Professor Conor Murphy is based in the Department of Geography at Maynooth University, and plays a pivotal role in advancing our understanding of climate change through his research in hydroclimatology and historical climatology. With Ireland facing unique challenges due to its geographical and climatic characteristics, Conor emphasises the critical importance of informed climate predictions for effective adaptation strategies. With a need for evidence-based policy-making in Ireland where localised impacts of climate change can have profound effects on communities and ecosystems, Conor aims to bridge the gap between scientific research and practical application, and contributes to ensuring that Ireland is equipped to navigate the uncertainties of a changing climate.